Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lies lies lies

Ah, the riff raff have shown up. Dare I bring out the embarrassing secrets all of you hide? And seriously, calling someone fat is second grade at best. Not much of an intellect there, eh? I'm going to turn off comments. Why? Because I'm going to play the same game the rest of you do. Deleting whatever doesn't fit in with your agenda.

Unlike the rest of you, I haven't named names. Nor have I gone mudslinging on the internet until I got sick and tired of the dumb shit that kept on being posted.

How stupid all of you are to let your needs to get even with one company destroy the industry. You started the fire, now you're complaining that you're getting burned?

Suuuuure, all of the owners in Chicago are angels compared to the people that run this particular company. I mean, so godly. Gold Coast, Chicago Horse and Carriage, Noble Horse, Antique. Such wonderful, caring people who own horses. All of you fine folk do realize that this particular operation isn't the only company that got tickets for a dirty barn, hmmmm? I mean, ACC has such a high standard that a pile of poop in a stall is grounds for unclean. So I guess you better live behind your horse's asses and catch every pile that drops.

And believing someone who whines at every opportunity about every little slight she receives about how a business operates? I'd say that's not very good judgement on a person's character.

A little piece of advice. All of you left better keep your noses very, very clean. Or you'll wind up with your asses in a sling. Because what all of you have started will only serve to bring yourselves down, and Ms Reyes is waiting for that opportunity. Do you think she enjoys babysitting a bunch of children all the time?

A Cowardly Lot

It's always funny to me, how Exposed Truths aka FiFiResurrected, aka Lori Pontious and company, thinks she's calling people out by making statements about people hiding between screen names. Either they feel that their secret's no longer a secret, or they're arrogant enough to think that no one will ever know who they are.

So, LP, AD, S(D)H, DS, JN, CN - I hope you enjoy playing petty games on the internet. You're a lovely group of personality disorders who can't see beyond the nose on your faces. LP - a blatant thief and a poor horseperson. AD - a narcissist who ruins other people's lives to make their own misery not seem so bad. S(D)H, who knows what the fuck is wrong with you, but you're just way out in la la land. DS - enough said. JN - sleeping with AD? CN - shame on you for being too weak to walk away from people who love nothing more than to manipulate you.

We here at EET are going to be a little nicer than the slobs who are playing 5th grader cliques on YouTube. Not to mention trespassing once again and thinking they won't get caught. They also like to throw stones, thinking that no one's going to toss something bigger in return.

The biggest tell of all that gives all of you at ET away? The fact that out of all of the carriage companies left, you're targeting Chicago Carriage. Why not Antique? Maybe because it's because Lori still works for Antique and doesn't want to lose her supplemental income.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Shame shame shame

Oh give me a fucking break. The AR people need to be ashamed for their willful lack of ignorance. Or as a carriage driver said many moons ago "their ignorance is a cruelty to humanity." They're pissing and moaning over horses being kept in a tent in this cold weather, yet ignore the fact that to "upgrade" their situation means putting the horses out in a pasture. With no shelter. And no guarantee of running water. And yet, they've come to the conclusion that it's shameful for the City to "allow" horses to be kept in a tent. With people coming and going. Feeding and watering. On a regular basis.

The question was asked about the industry hurting itself. In Chicago, licenses are owned in groups by a company. There is only one license that is individually owned. The owner of that license is the one who's engaging in anti-competitive activities. The owner of that license, for years thinks that she's smarter than everyone else and will never get caught out. She's also in possession of one hell of a personality disorder that causes her to be a miserable twat. And because SHE'S miserable, everyone else around her has to be made miserable too. Oh, unless you're her latest lesbian love target.

This time around, and this is not the first time she's done shit like this, she's skating on thin ice. Hooking up with an ex-employee of the targeted company, Cutters, and gaining access to a locked courtyard is the first give away. That ex employee is the genius known as Vivienne The Percheron. The other giveaway? Well, let's put it this way. Drop a coin, and listen for where it lands. When you hear a certain noise after it lands, you know you've scored.

Her other genius move was to use the animal rights activists for her own dirty little ends, that being putting Cutters out of business. If it ever got out that she's a carriage driver, I'm sure the activists wouldn't be too happy about it.

So the shame should be on YOU, Lori Pontius.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A new year dawns, and an industry dissolves

Yes, it's been a while. We've been busy, tending to day to day matters.

We now ask people to give a moment of silence for the passing of Noble Horse. Cutters may be next, and who's to stop the persecution of the last remaining companies? No one. When the local government is turned against the industry, it's only a matter of time. Carriage rides are a sitting duck, just waiting for the hunter to focus her sights on it.

Da Mare is supposed to love the carriage industry. Why is he letting the department who regulates the carriages destroy them? Is it because the governing department thinks they can bring in new operators who will be more pliable? New operators who will be happy to take their horses to carriage stands where there's no foot traffic and no accessible facilities for relief of man or horse?

I say good luck to them. It is impossible, and we don't mean that lightly, to find a reasonable location in Chicago to house horses. The only part of the City that could potentially have space is located over an hour's walk from downtown, which quickly destroys horses. It is also not economically feasible to trailer a horse in and out of Chicago. Board within 35 miles of the City is expensive. And who the hell wants to deal with trailering a horse home after working 12 hours? Sucks for the horse, sucks for the human.

Although I doubt the City has any intention to reissue any kind of carriage license. Many moons ago, there was a lawsuit brought against the City for trying to reduce the amount of existing licenses. It wound up being settled. The agreement? If any license gets turned in to the City, the City cannot reissue said license.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chicago Carriage Industry - A Microcosm of Crazy

I've always said that the carriage industry is a microcosm of the horse world at large. It attracts emotionally unstable people. Because its size is limited to the amount of working licenses, it's a focused group of crazy.

For example, V.B. is blaming the "manager" of Cutters for making her life miserable. What she doesn't understand is that no one wanted her and her boyfriend moving in to begin with, and the decision wasn't made by just one person. There were reasons why they didn't want outsiders moving in. But hey, it's easier to blame one person because the rest of the people involved are so innocent.

All, and I mean all, of the carriage companies are operated with people who have hangups. It's a matter of working for the company with the least amount of drama, or drama that's tolerable.

For example. A Noble Driver is now posting on a forum about how Cutters has inappropriate horses on the street. Yet, another company has horses of the same size that have been working for 15 years. The ignorance is glaring. Keep sharing that crackpipe, folks.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Here come the looney tunes

It would seem that Dan of Noble is now getting into the fray. Wonder what he'd think if he knew that the person behind the conglomerate of ExposedTruths is Lori Pontius of Gold Coast.

I'm sure Lori's having herself a good laugh, watching everyone jerk like puppets to her strings. That includes the animal rights activists she's managed to hook up with.

It's a known fact that Lori, the adult child that is VivienneThePercheron (can't even spell the horse's name right) and at least one other ex-industry driver trespassed into the courtyard in order to obtain the original videos. The temporary stalls were located inside an enclosed courtyard, accessible by knowing the keypad code. The only way that Lori could have gotten in is because VtP, aka Stacey, let her in.

Rumor had it that Lori was, at one time, having a sexual relationship with an NBC producer. Said producer managed to get that poorly done piece of news of J.C. Cutters created. 8 of the tickets that the piece mentioned? Were for missing health certificates. Oooooooo, such proof of abuse!

When the NBC piece failed to produce any buzz, she then hooked herself up with animal rights activists to try to get J.C. Cutters out of business. Outside of the industry, it's probably not a well known fact that her single-license company stands with J.C. Cutters. However, she puts Cutters out of business, and she gets that corner allllll to herself.

Sure sounds like illegal activity to me.